Half life 2 accelerated back hopping
Half life 2 accelerated back hopping

half life 2 accelerated back hopping

Propflying is possible though is far harder. Propclimbing is limited, You must jump and regrab the prop each time you want to climb higher. Has ABH/ASH/AFH, (Accelerated Backwards/Sideways/Forward Hopping) which is exponential movement, reaching the speedcap (3500 on each axis) is far easier to get. Save deletion (Creating a Save, loading it, deleting it and reloading it) works in Old Engine. Pausing and save loading both reset your velocity to 0 while in the void. Falling for a short period of time before save loading allows you to travel through the void (areas with free movement.)

half life 2 accelerated back hopping

Simply saving and loading while stuck allows you to travel through brushes (areas that are solid). CLIP DIRECTION IN OLD ENGINE IS UPWARDS. When the game realises that you are stuck in the object, you can save and load in order to clip. When the game loads for a short timespan you can pull an object into your top half (uncrouched). Jclip is where a user save and loads while crouched (in old engine). When exiting noclip via barnacle you get a new glitch which I believe is called 'QuickClip' Which allows you to take a prop and travel through walls, pretty cool. If you save warp out of a vehicle you get given noclip glitch, which allows you to fly freely in noclip through the level. When you enter a vehicle regardless of engine, you enter noclip, and when you exit a vehicle in a standard manner, the game removes noclip. This allows you to load the next map in a position of your choice, Savewarping also allows for wrongwarping which is a bit more complicated. In Scripted Old Engine you can use a script called savewarping which is loading a save during a trigger delay. You can perform a trick called a Change Level Delay, where you can move near freely through a level change and appear there on the next map. In Old Engine the command 'wait' works differently to how it does in New Engine. Propclimbing/propflying is another feature in Old Engine, Since Valve didn't really program what happens when a prop is underneath you, you can hold a prop underneath you and repeatedly jump on it to gain speed. I believe speed gain per hop is linear, and can be quite slow to reach the movement cap. The primary method of movement in Old Engine is bunny hopping, holding w and jumping repeatedly. There are a far larger set of differences than that.

Half life 2 accelerated back hopping